Saturday, June 2, 2007

Analysis, interpretation, and judgment.

The above posts each contain paintings that are considered examples of abstract art. Each artist has used a different technique so each painting is unique in comparison to the others.

Examine each painting and answer the following questions in a reply:

What kind of mood or feeling do you get from each painting? Why do you think the artists choose their particular subject to paint?

Describe what you see in each painting. Describe the artist's use of color. How many colors have been used per painting? How have the artists applied the paint? Describe the texture. Describe the lines in the work. What kinds of shapes do you see?

Is your eye drawn to any particular area of the painting? Is there an element that stands out in one or all of the compositions? Are the compositions balanced? Does the work make you think of movement? How do the artists show movement? Do the paintings look flat or do they give a feeling of depth or space?

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